Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy For FALL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm ALWAYS happy when Fall is here!!

With the weather becoming cool and crisp, especially in the mornings, the leaves changing and falling from the trees, bright orange pumpkins sitting in the pumpkin patches on almost every street corner, and the smell of the Mulled Harvest candle burning on my table are just a few of the wonderful things I love about Fall!
And the football!  Can't forget about the football!  :)

Fall can be a time of refreshment, a season of renewing the spirit and soul.
I thought I would dedicate this post to all of my friends and loved ones who might be dealing with a difficult season, or just coming out of one. I don't know about you, but
daily I encounter someone or someone they know, that needs prayer.

For my family and friends . . . may God bless you in this season of your life, whatever it may be.  Just remember how much he loves you!!

Psalm 103: 1~5
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

He longs to bring you close to His side and to love you no matter where you are at.  I know for some of you it has been a long journey, but today, I pray you will find your contentment in Him.

Blessings, Kim

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Twenty Years and Counting . . .

Happy Anniversary to Me and My Schnookies . . .
Twenty Years . . . I love you sweetie!
Our day was everything I had ever dreamed of and more!
It was beautiful, fun, full of laughter and blessed by God.

My handsome Groom: Dan

Me, The Bride

My Groom and all his men!
(Who had white socks?)
His Bride and all her Gals!
Groom trying to get up the nerve!

Groom's Best Man and Brother playing a trick on the Bride.

Groom was behind it the whole time!

Our Pastor even got a good chuckle from it. He was relieved when he realized
that I didn't have any tricks up my sleeve.

Then came the messy part . . . here I thought His promise was good.
"Oh no honey, I won't smash it in your face, not today!"
The look on his face says it all!

And so, it got a little messy!

Payback was fun!

And then we laughed at our ourselves.

The happy couple . . .

Happy Anniversary Honey! I would do it all over again, I love you!

Here's to another Fifty plus!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

For those who have served and still serving today, may God bless our Brother's and Sister's who have stood in the place for our freedom everyday without fail.

Thanks to all of you! Happy Fourth of July everyone!

This is from Theology for Dummies:

“In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. The Lord is with me: I will not be afraid. What can man do to me.” Psalm 118:5-6

As we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July, we should take time to reflect on its true meaning and upon the intent of our Founding Fathers. Those who have always experienced freedom can easily take it for granted. Those who have suffered under political or religious oppression, often have a much greater appreciation for the rights and privileges that Americans enjoy. Please read the following snippet from our history. I have provided a summary of one of the events surrounding the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is a condensation of work done by Dr. Paul Barkey in his book, “On This Day.” I hope it prepares your heart for a deeper appreciation for all that God has provided us through the sacrifice of others. May God receive the glory for the greatness of America.

July 3, 1776~

On July 3, 1776 the first vote was cast by the colonies to approve the Declaration of Independence. Nine colonies were in favor with Pennsylvania and South Carolina opposed and New York abstaining. Delaware was divided with one delegate on each side of the issue. A third delegate from Delaware, Caesar Rodney, supported the Declaration but he was not in Philadelphia for the vote. A rider was sent to get Rodney. He made the journey in record time arriving at 1:00 PM just in time to vote. Rodney was so exhausted from the journey that he could hardly speak. However, he mustered the energy to state, “As I believe the voice of my constituents and of all sensible and honest men is in favor of independence, my own judgment concurs with them. I vote for independence.” With Delaware’s vote, Pennsylvania and South Carolina also voted for independence making it unanimous with New York continuing to abstain. Samuel Adams summarized the events of that day by saying, “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to Whom alone men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and…from the rising to the setting of the sun, may His kingdom come.”

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Discernment ~

Just yesterday evening Kaylee was playing a Nitendo DS game, one that we thought was very educational. One that she solved math problems, puzzles and other different things through this adventure. Well, this game took a turn that she did not like, in fact, scared her. The visual picture (she asked me not to share it) was enough to make her put it down.

Dan was at work and I was outside watering at the time. She came out and said that her stomach was hurting and I told her to just lay down and I would be in in a minute. (She didn't mention why) So after I came inside, not thinking much about her stomach, she came out of her room and wanted to talk about it. She starts telling me about the Nitendo game and what had happened, and this fear that I've never seen in my daughter's eyes before, made me really pay attention. She was talking so fast and really holding back tears, I felt so bad for her! As you can see we are very careful of what she watches and listens to.

Now, here's the blessing that I was so grateful for. She says, "So, I turned it off and put it in "your" room on your dresser." Now maybe some of you might say, okay . . . so, she got scared. Part of it, yes. But what I told her, is that she had discernment in her time of fear.
I used this God-given teachable moment, to share with her that when we are in a situation that we need the holy spirit to speak to us and we are listening, that we can have discernment and make the right decisions.
For her age, I think this was a good example for her to learn more about fear and discernment, to be reminded of who brings fear to us and who does not. But later it will be something bigger and she will need to know how to deal with the peer pressure that will come in many forms.
Now is the time to talk AND listen to our kids about anything and everything that they can handle regarding these topics, within their appropriate ages. Making God the center of it with prayer and His word. Pray for your children everyday, they need good parents more than ever!

Attached is a video from Vicki Courtney's blog. As she says, you might need a tissue.

You can’t protect me…

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Special Graduation Day!

I feel so blessed and honored to have been able to take such an extraordinary biblical class!

For the past 15 months I've been taking a "Women's School of Ministry Leadership" class by
Converge Pac West. The purpose of this class is to become well equipped in a leadership position.
I believe I can say for all of us who took this amazing class, that not only has it provided us how to acquire better leadership skills but has also taught us how to be selfless individuals for God.
To show love and compassion in our communities and win over more souls for His Kingdom.

I loved this class and a little sad to see it end, but more excited to see what He brings in the next chapter! The graduation ceremony was exciting and blessed by the Holy Spirit.

The is Pamela Heim, Founder and Dean and leader of the training program.
A true woman of wisdom!

I'm now a "Women's Ministry Specialist"

and hoping next to take a Seminary Class.

Me and my hubby share a special date now;
we have both graduated on May 22nd!

(don't tell him I posted this, hee hee!)

Monday, May 17, 2010


Here we come!

This past week Kaylee decided she wanted her ears pierced.
So we gave her a thumbs up and told her that would be a fun thing for her to do.
On Saturday, that was the big plan of the day!
She was soooo excited, that's all she could talk about all week!!

She did get a little nervous when we got there, but got through it fine and without a flinch!
(Silly me forgot the camera in the car so these are after, at home pics.)

She is enjoying it and cannot wait to change them out in 6 weeks!

Monday, May 10, 2010

To My Sweet Kaylee . . .

My dearest Kay Kay Coo . . . you always humble me in such sweet ways. Thank you for being a great daughter and a daughter of the King! You bless me with your love and faith, your laughter and jokes. You're so fun and creative! Dad and I love that you took on the tradition of "peanuts", funny how much you LOVE that game.
Continue to know that God has "big" things for your life! I am the blessed one, blessed that God gave you to me, and trusted that I could be the mother to you that He desires. Daily I will seek Gods best for your life and lift you up to Him. He loves you so very much. I pray that your life will be a reflection of God and remember how much I love you . . . infinity!!!!
Thanks for a great day yesterday. Love always and proud to be your Mom!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


These pics have been in archives due to no time to blog. I'll just shoot them out there!
First up . . . Kaylee went to her first Christian Concert,
and so glad we picked this venue for her first!
The Rock and Worship Road Show . . . it was a blast!
If you've ever been to Spirit West Coast, its a short version of it.
About 7 bands played and it was only $10.00 per person, yes, $10.00! Awesome deal!
She loves Francesca Battistelli, so she was looking forward to it and she did not disappoint! Kaylee had a great time!
One of the bands toward the beginning was Family Force Five. I texted my hubby and told him, "I am no longer a teenager!" Could not understand one word of what they were singing!
I loved worshiping with Mercy Me. Boy did he ever lead us into worship! It was a neat experience with the whole arena full of people just worshiping the Lord! Very talented group of people! Fun memory!

Tired girl, but having fun!

Francesca ~ She had just found out she's expecting her fist baby!
But she did not announce it that night we heard it later.

Mercy Me ~ Just AWESOME!!
Sang a couple of their new songs from new album.

Next, I'm so excited . . . I have a TON of growth on my dwarf tangerine tree this year!
I think due to the lack of bees around here last year, there was no pollination going on, so we didn't even have ONE bloom. So, thank you Lord, it will be fun.

Dan and Kaylee planted peas and cucumbers.
They are a lot bigger than this now!

Here they decided strawberries in hanging baskets as well as tomatoes(no pick).
So hopefully we'll have some fun harvesting this year!

So, if you're reading my little blog and you have some planting you've done already and would like to share, please do! Would love to read about it!
God bless you and happy Spring!


This came by e-mail this morning. Thought I would share!
Have an awesome day!!!

Ron DiCianni: Painting the Resurrection

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Monday And A Friend Giveaway!!

Happy, Happy Monday Everyone!

A friend of mine and fellow blogging buddy, Robynn’s Ravings, is having a contest for three fun gifts shown below.

Go check her blog out even if you don't like contests. She's funny, real and has a ton of smart information for everyone! If you just need a good laugh and don't care about the smart information, well, head on over there!

1. Great Harvest Bread Company ~
2. Chipotle ~
ANDDDDD #3. A DVD of Food Inc.

Have fun and trust me, when I say you'll laugh . . . you will! Or you'll cry!

Here she is:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hi Fly Bye!

Hi! It's me, Kaylee, yeah, I just wanted to say hi fly bye! Even though I'm not flying it is still fun to say. I love to be a busy butterfly!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

Ahhh . . . spring has sprung!

We are busy busy butterflies . . . we'll fly back soon!!

Kim and Kay Kay

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kay Kay's Back!!!

Hello everyone! Kay Kay is back! Sorry for the wait, but here I am to tell you what has been going on! I had a Valentine's Day party on the 12th and I will report to you all about it. We decorated cupcakes, played games and had a good time. Also, at the bottom of this post, I have an exclusive recipe for you!

Look at the pretty table my mom set up.
She did a pretty good job, huh?

Yummy pizza! Greasey, yummy pizza!!!!!

Amelia holding her cupcake she decorated herself.

Makala and her cupcake.

Me eating my blur of a cupcake.

Courtney decorating her face instead of a cupcake.

We also made frendship braclets.

Look at mom's beautiful table now!!!!!
Oh, well.

~The End~

That is my story. Now on to that exclusive recipe I promised you. I call it Peanut Butter Chocolate pops! Ahhhh, yes, peanut butter chocolate bliss . . . . . . . frozen!? Oh, well, let's get on with the recipe now, shall we?

First, you need about a cup and a half of chocolate milk. It makes you want to drink the whole container, dosn't it?

Next, the peanut butter.

Time to put one spoonful in each cube thingy.

Messy, messy, messy!

Next, pour the milk in each cube thingy.

All done!

Wrap some foil on that tray, poke some toothpicks in those cube thingys, and pop them in the freezer. Yum!

See ya later!

Kaylee :)